Greetings from Project Atchison!
I am excited to share with you our latest updates.
Trash Pickup Day! - July 15 in preparation for the Amelia Earhart festival July 21 & 22. Please meet at the Riverfront behind Mueller's Restaurant at 8:30am on Saturday, July 15. We want our town to look its best for the influx of visitors! If you can't join us, please consider cleaning up YOUR neighborhood!
Welcome to our newest board member John Peterson! He is filling an unexpired term as an at-large board member.
We will NOT have a monthly meeting in July, as it would fall on July 4. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, August 1 at 7pm. Our August meeting will include annual board elections - details to follow next month.
The Atchison Area Community Foundation's Match Day is Friday, August 18. This is a chance for the community to give back to non-profit groups that are serving it. There will be a Happy Hour from 4-6:30pm that day at the Atchison Event Center and we will have a table setup with information about our organization and donation forms. Matching funds are available for each organization that participates.
Please let me know if you have any questions or want more information about anything.
Sincerely, Heidi Hulsizer President - Project Atchison