Greetings from Project Atchison!
We have been doing some fun volunteering and we have more exciting activities in the future!
Thanks to the volunteers that helped clean up the riverfront in preparation for the Amelia Earhart Festival. You all made the riverfront look great for the City's many guests!
Our next monthly meeting is Tuesday, August 1, 7pm at a DIFFERENT LOCATION the Riverbend Bible Church (410 Commercial - please use the west entrance, closest to the 5th Street Viaduct). We will be electing new board members and looking at some changes to our bylaws. If you have thought about donating more time to Project Atchison, consider joining the board to help make decisions and select future projects!
Our Beautiful Bench from the Atchison Art Association is almost complete! Many thanks to our artist Gail Blaustein.
All Aboard Atchison Match Day is coming up! Happy Hour is August 18, 4-6:30pm at the Atchison Event Center (710 S. 9th). This is a chance to give back to non-profits in the area and to have your donation matched. Project Atchison is a fundholder of the Atchison Area Community Foundation. Matching funds of $125,000 will be available to provide a 60% match for funds raised by participating fundholders. For more details see: https://www.allaboardatchison.com/